主题 : ucgui tiny6410 s70 有图有真相! 复制链接 | 浏览器收藏 | 打印
级别: 新手上路
UID: 108707
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楼主  发表于: 2018-12-11 01:26

 ucgui tiny6410 s70 有图有真相!

交叉编译: gcc-3.4.5-glibc-2.3.6
GUI: ucgui

github: https://github.com/felixwangithub/non-os/tree/master/19.ucgui


#include "lcd_s70.h"

// 初始化LCD

void  LCD_S70_Init(void)


    // 配置GPIO用于LCD相关的功能


    GPJCON = 0x00AAAAAA;

    // normal mode

    MIFPCON &= ~(1<<3);

    // RGB I/F

    SPCON =  (SPCON & ~(0x3)) | 1;

    // 配置VIDCONx,设置接口类型、时钟、极性和使能LCD控制器等

    // 16位

    VIDCON0 = (0<<26)|(0<<17)|(0<<16)|(0<<6)|(0<<5)|(1<<4)|(0<<2)|(3<<0);

    // HSYNC  VSYNC 反转

    VIDCON1 |= 1<<5 | 1<<6;

    // 配置VIDTCONx,设置时序和长宽等

    // 设置时序

    VIDTCON0 = VBPD<<16 | VFPD<<8 | VSPW<<0;

    VIDTCON1 = HBPD<<16 | HFPD<<8 | HSPW<<0;

    // 设置长宽

    VIDTCON2 = (LINEVAL << 11) | (HOZVAL << 0);

    // 配置WINCON0,设置window0的数据格式

    // 配置RGB位数: 24BPP

    WINCON0 |= 1<<0;

    WINCON0 &= ~(0xf << 2);

    //WINCON0 |= 0x5<<2;

    //WINCON0 |= 0x1<<16;//当字体颠倒

    WINCON0 |= 0xB<<2;

    // 配置VIDOSD0A/B/C,设置window0的坐标系

#define LeftTopX     0

#define LeftTopY     0

#define RightBotX   799

#define RightBotY   479

    VIDOSD0A = (LeftTopX<<11) | (LeftTopY << 0);

    VIDOSD0B = (RightBotX<<11) | (RightBotY << 0);

    VIDOSD0C = (LINEVAL + 1) * (HOZVAL + 1);

    // 置VIDW00ADD0B0和VIDW00ADD1B0,设置framebuffer的地址


    VIDW00ADD1B0 = (((HOZVAL + 1)*4 + 0) * (LINEVAL + 1)) & (0xffffff);


void LCD_SetPixel(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int Color)


    unsigned long * pixel = (unsigned long  *)FRAME_BUFFER;

    *(pixel + y * COL + x) = Color;

unsigned int LCD_GetPixel(unsigned int x, unsigned int y)


    unsigned long * pixel = (unsigned long  *)FRAME_BUFFER;
    return *(pixel + y * COL + x);


void LCD_ClearScreen(unsigned int Color)


    int i, j;

    for (i = 0; i < ROW; i++)

        for (j = 0; j < COL; j++)

            LCD_SetPixel(j, i, Color);





*       LCD_L0_SetPixelIndex


* Purpose:

*   Sets the index of the given pixel. The upper layers

*   calling this routine make sure that the coordinates are in range, so

*   that no check on the parameters needs to be performed.


void LCD_L0_SetPixelIndex(int x, int y, int PixelIndex) {




  /* Convert logical into physical coordinates (Dep. on LCDConf.h) */


    int xPhys = LOG2PHYS_X(x, y);

    int yPhys = LOG2PHYS_Y(x, y);


    #define xPhys x

    #define yPhys y


  /* Write into hardware ... Adapt to your system */







*       LCD_L0_GetPixelIndex


* Purpose:

*   Returns the index of the given pixel. The upper layers

*   calling this routine make sure that the coordinates are in range, so

*   that no check on the parameters needs to be performed.


unsigned int LCD_L0_GetPixelIndex(int x, int y) {




  /* Convert logical into physical coordinates (Dep. on LCDConf.h) */


    int xPhys = LOG2PHYS_X(x, y);

    int yPhys = LOG2PHYS_Y(x, y);


    #define xPhys x

    #define yPhys y


  /* Read from hardware ... Adapt to your system */


    PixelIndex = (LCD_PIXELINDEX)(LCD_GetPixel(x, y));


  return PixelIndex;



extern volatile int OS_TimeMS;

void irq_init(void)


    /* 在中断控制器里使能timer0中断 */

    VIC0INTENABLE |= (1<<23);


// timer0中断的中断处理函数

void do_irq(void)





    TINT_CSTAT |= 1<<5;          


// 初始化timer

void timer_init(unsigned long ms)


    // PCLK = 66MHz

    // 定时器的输入时钟 = PCLK / ( {prescaler value + 1} ) / {divider value} = PCLK/(65+1)/1=1Mhz(0.001ms)


    TCFG0 |= 65;

    // 1分频, 定时器时钟为1Mhz(0.001ms)

    TCFG1 = 0;

    // 1s = 1Mhz, 1ms = 1000Hz, 1ns = 1Hz

    TCNTB0 = (ms*1000);

    TCMPB0 = 0;

    // 手动更新

    TCON |= 1<<1;

    // 清手动更新位

    TCON &= ~(1<<1);

    // 自动加载和启动timer0

    TCON |= (1<<0)|(1<<3);

    // 使能timer0中断

    TINT_CSTAT |= 0x1;

[ 此帖被flygo在2018-12-20 01:20重新编辑 ]
级别: 新手上路
UID: 129453
精华: 0
发帖: 29
金钱: 145 两
威望: 29 点
贡献值: 0 点
综合积分: 58 分
注册时间: 2016-11-23
最后登录: 2024-05-10
1楼  发表于: 2018-12-27 08:03